Η ζωή μετά (επίτομο)
- Reward Points: 35
"Tell me, angel, why do you leave humans in agony and fear?" asks the protagonist of the series, urging that humanity be given some clues about the afterlife. Developing his argument, he even refers to wise men who, in their quest to solve the mystery of death, "spend their entire lives, and in the end, when they die, four crows carry them away, and they have no idea where they are taken." This gives the angel the chance to conclude, "The wise know not where the four are going!"
Readers of Arkas, however, wiser than the wise, learn every bureaucratic quirk of paradise—the boredom, favoritism, and even hell’s inventive new tortures! The illustrations reveal paradise as an idyllic countryside with scattered columns and cypresses, while hell is depicted with dark corridors and medieval vaults. If paganism, Orthodoxy, and Catholicism merge in this vision, it's no surprise.
Yet, life before sometimes rivals the apex of life after. I recall the argument that "since no one has returned from the other world to say there's nothing, something must exist!" Similarly, since no one has seen Arkas, Arkas must exist! And just as religion found a way to reconcile with science after Galileo by stating, "The Holy Spirit's intent is not to teach us how the heavens move but how to reach heaven," Arkas, with his expressive illustrations and cheerful humor, achieves both.
The comic is in the greek language.
Tags: Αρκάς